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    Addresses Office:
    801-180 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON M5S 2V6 Canada
    Office Hours:
    To protect the health and well-being of our test takers and personnel, our Toronto office will be closed for the time being. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    Holiday Closures:
    Monday, November 11
    Wednesday, December 25
    Thursday, December 26
    Wednesday, January 1
    Phone - Toll Free
    (within North America):

    Telephone Hours:
    Monday to Friday
    8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET

    Our telephone line will be temporarily closed on weekends. For assistance or inquiries, contact [email protected]. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    1-(778) 513-2839
    Addresses Office:
    2015 Main Street, Vancouver BC, V5T 3C2, Canada
    Office Hours:
    To protect the health and well-being of our test takers and personnel, our Vancouver office will be closed for the time being. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    Holiday Closures:
    Monday, November 11
    Wednesday, December 25
    Thursday, December 26
    Wednesday, January 1
    Phone - Toll Free
    (within North America):

    Telephone Hours:
    Monday to Friday
    5:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT

    Our telephone line will be temporarily closed on weekends. For assistance or inquiries, contact [email protected]. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    I had taken other English language proficiency before, and CELPIP was more relatable to me. All of the questions were situations I was familiar with from daily life, and were like conversations I had experienced personally.
    - Chrisna D., CELPIP Test Taker
    When I took CELPIP, I found it was like speaking English in real life. You speak every day with your boss and with your friends, and the CELPIP Test represents those every-day, real-life language situations.
    - Rafaela B., CELPIP Test Taker